Our educational project is therefore settled for girls at Eskibel and for boys at Erain.
As a result of Erain Txiki educational years, they get a good start at primary education. When finishing the preschool education they count with a good background to read and write, to get essential mathematical skills, to handle with basic messages in English and Basque, to grow in autonomy and to achieve new habits.
In order to make easier the adaptation to Eskibel and Erain, different activities, such as sport competitions and summer courses, have taken place for many years.
The information related with primary adaptation, is shared among the teachers of Erain Txiki, Eskibel and Erain. The tit (technical inter-department teams) have the purpose to coordinate objectives, contents, activities, educational material and methodological tools between the teachers of these two educational courses.
Considering that all our schools share the same educational project, the transition from one school to the other is taken as absolutely natural.
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